Tim Marshall, LPRINZ/APR

Senior Account Director

Tim has built a career on making connections between people and ideas.

PR is about relationships between people and the organisations created to make our lives better, more convenient, and more fulfilling. And PR is about the exchange of ideas that can help us make the world a better place.

That may sound a bit philosophical, but it translates into the busy real world of commerce, business, society and Government when we take a moment to view our day-to-day activities through a wider lens. With its focus on CSR and sustainability, Wright Communications makes that connection between organisations busy with the day-to-day and the critical long-term view.

Before coming to Wright Communications Tim ran his own consultancy serving mainly business-to-business clients across a range of industry sectors including IT, health and business services. Tim is a life member of the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) and chair of Squash Auckland, which governs the sport in greater Auckland.

Tim lives with his partner Halcyon and shares as much time as he can with his three sons and three grandsons.

"I joined Wright Communications to work alongside others who are making the connection between the day-to-day work of their clients – including many substantial organisations who are agents of change – and the firm’s non-negotiable ethic of doing good." Tim Marshall
On Wright Communications

Meet the team

Founder and Managing Director


Group Account Director - Corporate & Sustainability


Group Account Director - Corporate & Sustainability


Group Account Director - Consumer and NGO


Senior Account Director


Senior Account Director


Senior Account Manager


Senior Account Manager


Account Executive


Office Manager and PA to Managing Director


Finance Manager


Get in Touch

Give us a call, send us a message or call in and see us.  We’d love to hear from you.