Wright Communications releases its 2022 Sustainability Report: ‘Doing the Right Thing’

Auckland PR consultancy Wright Communications has released its 2022 Sustainability Report, building on several years of publishing sustainability reports for clients.

Sustainability has been a passion for Managing Director Nikki Wright since the agency was founded 16 years ago and it is a huge motivation for the team to assist clients in doing the Wright thing.

This year’s Wright Communications Sustainability Report demonstrates the company ethos of ‘walking the talk’ from reducing its carbon footprint 52% from its base-year total of 15.39 tCO2e down to just over 7 tonnes, to introducing WFH on Fridays with consistent client service delivery and results.

Wright Communications won a raft of clients seeking its expertise in sustainability storytelling and reporting services during 2022 and supported certain Wellington-based government ministries and agencies too.

Managing Director Nikki Wright says this shows the pandemic doesn’t appear to have stifled many organisations’ desire to improve their social and environmental sustainability performance – and be recognised for their efforts.

Part of the agency’s credo is to give back – purpose beyond profit – and the team has made a signification contribution with pro bono PR support for its not-for-profit clients totalling $100,000.

Wright said the company – a member of the Sustainable Business Council, Sustainable Business Network, and Climate Leaders Coalition - has always had a commitment to helping clients do the right thing through corporate social responsibility with reference to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and the same measures have been used on Wright Communications itself – with encouraging results.

Sustainability outcomes in Wright Communications’ 2022 report include:

  • Strategic communications management provided to charities working on challenges including domestic violence and suicide prevention, surf lifesaving, sobriety for the month of July, palliative care services, sustainable finance, and access to meningitis vaccinations.
  • Toitū Envirocare helped Wright Communications evaluate its organisational footprint of 7.44 carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes (tCO2e) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the financial year and compensate by purchasing 8 carbon credits.
  • All of Wright Communications’ team got Covid triple vaccinated and were offered the flu vaccination.
  • Embedded WFH on Fridays for all consultants with excellent personal and professional outcomes.  
  • Celebrated another Mental Health Day for its employees.
  • Gained more sustainability work from new and existing clients.
  • Continued improving our knowledge and practice of te reo, tikanga and Te Ao Māori with Te Puna Reo Māori training sessions.  

Wright said sustainability defines the agency’s reason for being. “Sustainability underpins our approach to client work and informs our business ethos,” she explained.

During the year Wright Communications supplied sustainability communications services to: AA Insurance, ASB, BNZ, ChargeNet, Clorox, Concrete NZ, Counties Energy, Environmental Choice, Foodstuffs, Forsyth Barr, Genesis Energy, HG Group, Kainga Ora, Kantar, Lexus, Lindt, Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, Responsible Investment Association Australasia, Signature Homes,  SaveBOARD, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, Toitū Envirocare, Tōitu Tahua: Centre for Sustainable Finance, Toyota, Unilever, Westpac, and Whakarongorau Aotearoa.

The Wright Communications 2022 Sustainability Report can be viewed online: https://wrightcommunications.co.nz/media/3261/sustainability-report-2022.pdf

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