05 May 2020
For South Waikato District Council
‘Spend Local’ is the new message from the South Waikato District Council (SWDC) and South Waikato Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) as they team up to launch a campaign to support local businesses, the local economy and community.
South Waikato District Mayor Jenny Shattock has sportingly agreed to be the ‘poster girl’ of the campaign with a fresh take on classic wartime posters.
”I know how tough lockdown has been for local businesses,” says Mayor Shattock. “Our supermarkets and their staff have done a great job of getting us through Level 4 and Level 3, but as we move to Level 2 where more of our businesses can open, we all need to do our bit to support our local businesses.’’
Council’s Economic Development Manager Paul Bowden says the ‘Spend Local’ campaign will be promoted on roadside billboards in Arapuni, Tīrau, Putāruru and Tokoroa. Residents will have access to ‘I Spend Local’, stickers and digital materials and businesses will be provided with ‘Spend Local’ digital materials, posters and stickers.
“We’re happy to help any business owner who needs support to utilise these materials online or on social platforms as we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID-19 situation. Many businesses are in a battle for survival,” says Mr Bowden.
Behind this will be a series of digital ads, print ads and organic material showcasing local businesses, produce and experiences available in the South Waikato, how local businesses are innovating during COVID-19 alert levels, the benefits of residents spending money locally and how suppliers and consumers can do their part.
“While this campaign starts with consumer products and services, it will work its way through other industries as it pivots to tourism dependent businesses, when we head into the July school holidays. The campaign will run for three months, with stories/materials being refreshed on a regular basis’’.
Mr Bowden said information and advice for business is available through www.swnz.co/covid-19response/.
Give us a call, send us a message or call in and see us. We’d love to hear from you.