Kiwi businesses are unlocking international markets with B Corp Certification

Kiwi businesses are tapping into international markets with the help of their B Corp Certification, which not only verifies their commitment to sustainability but also boosts their credibility in global markets.

The certification uses a comprehensive framework to evaluate a company's governance and impact on its workers, community, environment, and customers. Two New Zealand businesses, ŌKU and BLUNT, are reaping the benefits of this globally recognised Certification, seeing substantial growth and new opportunities after achieving B Corp Certification through the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) Business for Good programme.

Helen Smith, co-founder of ŌKU, shares how the B Corp Certification has propelled their business, "Getting B Corp certified has opened new international markets for us. There’s a growing demand for certified businesses outside of New Zealand and having this certification gave us the credibility we needed."

ŌKU, a company that produces a range of natural wellness products from the native plants of Aotearoa, has seen increased recognition and credibility in the Australian market, aiding in their trans-Tasman expansion.

Neal Brebner, Head of Sustainability for BLUNT, highlights the dual impact of B Corp Certification on both their internal processes and international growth. “Obtaining B Corp Certification has not only served as confirmation of our commitment to manufacture the most durable and repairable umbrellas in the world but as a well-rounded sustainable entity that equally values its people, community, and the planet. The certification has also had a profound impact on our international growth. It has enhanced our reputation and made us a more attractive option for international partners. This has already opened doors for us in markets like the United Kingdom and Europe. We are excited about the opportunities this presents and look forward to forging new partnerships and expanding our global footprint,” says Neal.

Recent data from EY[1] highlights Kiwis' significant behavioural changes towards sustainability, showing the importance of having your products B Corp certified. Environmental concerns among New Zealanders are notable, with 33% worried about climate change, 30% about good health and wellbeing, and 26% about clean water and sanitation. In terms of environmental actions, 55% of Kiwis recycle or reuse packaging, 35% reduce plastic use and conserve energy and water, and 38% have made sustainable purchase decisions in the past six months.

Additionally, 33% of Kiwis consider sustainable purchasing a guiding principle in their everyday life, and 44% would rank sustainability within their top three purchase criteria in the past years.

The NZTE Business for Good Programme, a collaboration between NZTE’s Sustainability Team and B Lab Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand (B Lab AANZ), offers an intensive six-week hybrid course. It provides in-person and virtual learning opportunities, helping businesses like ŌKU and BLUNT achieve B Corp Certification and improve their social and environmental impact.

To date, 161 companies have completed the NZTE Business for Good programme, with 17 going on to achieve B Corp Certification, noting that there may be others currently in the certification process. The programme has proven highly effective, with 85% of participating companies reporting that they learned how to improve impact in their business, 92% committing to take action to improve impact, and 84% recommending Business for Good to other businesses.

Chris Lijzenga, Sustainability Advisor at NZTE, says, “The Business for Good programme provides New Zealand exporters with a framework to measure their social and environmental impact. Many have chosen to certify as B Corps following the programme and have found the process and certification very valuable in export markets.”

“Sustainability is a complex and ever-evolving field, with changing consumer preferences and export market demands. The programme is designed for businesses to improve their performance and communicate their sustainability journey with confidence, amongst a cohort of like-minded businesses,” says Chris.

B Lab’s Global Insights Report [2]highlights that B Corps demonstrate strong financial performance which is on par with “ordinary” businesses and are more resilient to disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 95% of the B Corps surveyed remained in operation in 2023, compared to 88% of non-B Corps.

Andrew Davies, CEO of B Lab AANZ, states, “B Corp Certification is designed to help companies shift away from a model focused solely on generating profit for shareholders. B Corps commit to serving all stakeholders, people, communities, and the planet, whilst staying financially healthy as a for-profit company. Their profits power their purpose – not the other way around.”

The next cohort for the NZTE Business for Good programme is set to begin in October in Wellington. With limited spots available, interested businesses are invited to email


[1] EY Future Consumer Index 2023

[2] B Lab Financial Performance and Resilience of B Corps


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