Materiality Assessment and Sustainability Report


Foodstuffs, a major player in the New Zealand market with diverse operations ranging from fishing to retailing, sought to enhance its sustainability reporting. In 2023, they engaged Wright Communications to conduct a comprehensive Materiality Assessment and assist in drafting their annual Sustainability Report. The objective was to ensure a thorough understanding of the company's impacts and stakeholder priorities, translating them into a coherent and informative report.

Wright Communications adopted a meticulous approach to meet Foodstuffs' objectives. They engaged in extensive stakeholder engagement, interviewing various parties including store owners, suppliers, NGOs, customers, and consumer groups. Additionally, they facilitated materiality workshops with executive teams from both North and South Islands, reviewed market and employee surveys, and conducted research.

The culmination of these efforts was the identification of the ten most material topics facing Foodstuffs. Wright Communications collaborated closely with Foodstuffs' ESG team to refine these topics and ensure comprehensive coverage. These material topics served as the foundation for structuring the Sustainability Report.

The Sustainability Report was structured around Foodstuffs' four sustainability pillars: Healthy and Affordable Food, Meaningful Work, Sustainable Leadership, and Supporting Local Communities. Each section of the report featured tables outlining measures, performance, status, and 2025 targets, providing clear insight into the company's non-financial performance.

With the publication of clear non-financial performance targets, Foodstuffs is now well-positioned to fulfill its social and environmental commitments, demonstrating a mature approach to ESG reporting and accountability.

"Foodstuffs engaged Wright Communications to write our FY23 ESG report. Richard Gordon took the lead on this and he did a great job of understanding our brief, the metrics we use (across our two Co-Ops) and he crafted this using an excellent tone of voice. For us, it was important to authentic report our outcomes, ensuring our stakeholders know that we’re not perfect by any stretch, but that we have plans in place to work towards achievement of the results we want for New Zealand. Richard crafted this perfectly for us (within a tight timeframe and to budget). – Sandy Botterill, Head of ESG, Foodstuffs"

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