T&G Global
The brief
In late 2018 T&G Global published its Sustainability Strategy ‘Kaitiakitanga’ and the company annually produces Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reports for its parent company BayWa.
For its 2019 New Zealand annual report T&G Global sought to develop non-financial information referencing the Integrated Reporting framework <IR> and including GRI performance indicators. The report would demonstrate its progress against the company’s Kaitiakitanga sustainability strategy.
T&G asked Wright Communications to help create a compelling report based on best practice.
The Wright approach
Wright Communications managing director Nikki Wright developed a project plan that included:
Nikki led an executive workshop to determine the material issues that should be discussed with external stakeholders. Then we identified 17 external stakeholders representing growers, research partners, supermarket customers, industry associations in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and United States.
Senior account director Tim Marshall conducted in-depth telephone interviews with the external stakeholders about the most important issues and opportunities for T&G Global and asked them to rank the most material issues based on the list of issued identified by the executive team.
Based on our research we prepared a Materiality Assessment Report with a materiality matrix showing the top material issues stakeholders with supporting commentary and insights. The report included stakeholder feedback on how well T&G Global was living its values.
Group account director Richard Gordon conducted in-depth interviews with the T&G Global executive team to inform the content, key messaging and data points for the <IR> report. Richard then wrote the report including a value creation business model and operating model to meet T&G Global’s requirements.
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