Test how connected your company is during COVID-19 – Use our crisis app

By Nikki Wright

We’re thinking of businesses like yours as the Coronavirus pandemic begins affecting New Zealand’s economy, with challenges around everything from travel to budgets to supply.

One comfort is a smartphone app we offer which tests whether your organisation can keep staff safe, informed and connected, so you get to solve problems proactively.

As forward-focused communications experts passionate about corporate social responsibility, in 2018 we acquired distribution rights for In Case of Crisis. The app is helpful for testing organisational response so when crisis strikes, your response protocols are available at the touch of a button.

Wright Communications is the exclusive New Zealand distributor of the app and we’re here to demonstrate how to use it and customise it. We brought the app to NZ because we know that in the race to keep pace with a crisis, a speedy response can minimise damage to people, reputation and property.

The point of difference with In Case of Crisis is the app can store and communicate essential information by directly messaging staff - all outside of internet channels, which may not be reliable during some crises. Users can add incident reports, holding statements and other communications templates into the app.

The app is a massive help to Crisis Communication Managers who would otherwise have to text/email/group chat multiple people in a cross-functional Crisis Team to update them on an evolving incident.  Because In Case of Crisis offers secure chat and conference bridging, the Communications Manager can bring their Crisis Team up-to-speed simultaneously. This makes response times faster. It also reduces risk of human error and sending a potentially sensitive text to the wrong person. The Communications Manager has the ability to create user groups for messages inside the app, segregating the crisis team from All of Staff – or whatever contact list segment you wish to create.

Its other benefit is the app can also record incidents – a lifesaver when insurers are demanding reports.

Going to Washington DC to negotiate terms to become the app’s NZ distributor was absolutely worth it. I believe conventional paper-based approaches to managing a crisis can no longer keep pace with a fast-breaking scenario in which people and players may be far away from desktop computers and shelved data.

Significant New Zealand organisations have begun to share my vision. I’m pleased our first client is a lifeline utility and they recognise how critical it is to communicate accurate information to the right people quickly in times of crisis.

Here are the ways Wright’s app can help you overcome the next crisis:

  • Interface with contact lists – Programme staff contacts into the app and you can enable one-click notifications to staff, who can respond and let you know if they are safe
  • Storage and communication of response protocols – Your crisis management team can work through written communications and response plans on easy checklists - even when the power is out.
  • Security of communications – The app doesn’t rely upon wifi, and uses more secure cellphone channels instead

With the app, any business can:

  • Reach staff anywhere – miles from a staff member’s desk
  • Test simulated responses to a real crisis
  • Manage workflow during a crisis
  • Report incidents
  • Transform guidelines into an actionable workflow
  • Poll team members for instant response
  • Attach pictures and related documents
  • Modify or reassign tasks as the situation updates
  • Provide access to role-based and actionable protocols and procedures.

I’d love to tell you more about how the app is here to help – do get in touch.

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